
【Camera Obscura - Lloyd, I'm ready to be heart broken】暗房樂團

He said “I’ll protect you like you are the crown jewels” yet
Said he’s feeling sorrier for me the more I behave badly I can bet

Hey Lloyd I’m ready to be heartbroken
'Cause I can’t see further than my own nose at this moment

Jealousy is more than a word now I understand
You can stay a girl while holding a boy’s hand

Hey Lloyd I’m ready to be heartbroken
'Cause I can’t see further than my own nose at this moment
Hey Lloyd I’m ready to be heartbroken
'Cause I can’t see further than my own nose at this moment
At this moment

I’ve got my life a compilation here to sort out
I’ll take myself to an east coast city and walk about

Hey Lloyd I’m ready to be heartbroken
'Cause I can’t see further than my own nose at this moment
Hey Lloyd I’m ready to be heartbroken
'Cause I can’t see further than my own nose at this moment
Hey Lloyd I’m ready to be heartbroken
'Cause I can’t see further than my own nose at this moment
At this moment
1. I can't see further than my own nose 的由來是來自於:Someone see no further than the end of one's nose. 試想,當你的眼界只到鼻子以上,鼻子以下的東西你都見不到,是不是目光狹隘,心胸狹小呢?
Ex: Tommy is so selfish; he can't see further than his own nose. 湯米是一個自私鬼,眼裡只有自己!

2. jealousy: 妒忌、猜忌
Ex: It is difficult to distinguish jealousy from envy.  要分辨妒忌和羨慕是很難的。

3. You can stay a girl while holding a boy's hand. 
這是一個非常有趣的句子!Nicole聽了好幾回,看到歌詞,仍百思不得其解。看樣子(從第一句可以判斷)唱歌者是以女孩作為第一人稱,那麼You 就是女孩的男友,嗯,有那麼一點點不符合一般刻板邏輯。上網一查,發現有相同疑問的,不只我一人;連老外也是。他們的認為主唱者唱的歌詞可能如下:
You can't stare a girl while holding a boy's hand.
You can't stand out while holding a boy's hand.
You can't stand guard while holding a boy's hand

4. sort out: 挑出、整理、找出問題的解決方法
Ex: Did you sort out the mess?
因為電影P.S. I Love You的片頭曲,我認識了Camera Obscura。此非主流樂團,台灣對他們的著墨少之有少,只能勉強從博客來的網站上看到以下簡介:
由Belle & Sebastian團長Stuart所挖掘出來的樂團Camera Obscura是現今最具復古典雅色彩的美麗女聲,女主唱的歌聲在輕盈中帶有深刻感性,色彩鮮明的嗓音映照出繽紛幻變的世間景象
Nicole對Camera Obscura樂團的好奇心僅止於到官網隨意瀏覽,以及去Youtube隨意聽聽他們的歌:只能說,自我風格頗重,但不完全是我的最愛 (They are not my cup of tea)。


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